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NARA 1007
Proceedings of a Military Commission convened at Beaufort Co by virtue of the following orders viz

Special Orders No 59 

Present all the Members & Judge Advocate, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Letter from A.A.A. Gen'l read in presence of Prisoner and Counsel, [[strikethrough]] and remarks from both Counsel and Commission Closed. C[[?]] mem.[[/strikethrough]]

The court was here closed and the subject matter of the Adjt Genl's letter of - 1868 being materialy considered it was determined that the court [[strikethrough]] asked to [[/strikethrough]] register its decision with regard to the admission of the evidence of Peter Holmes

The court opened and announced its decision [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] and the Prisoner brought to the stand and duly sworn.

Q by J.A.
State your name and whether or not you are a prisiner: ans
Peter Holmes I am a prisiner

Transcription Notes: