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Transcription: [00:02:03]
young people, of, of all ages, various races, various economic groups, various, you know, class. There was this incredible transcendence of, of, everything and, here, everyone was together, kind of rallying around the music, it was incredible, good energy, and I was, just kind of amazed, you know, watching this thing. And I was also amazed about how many of the kids came over to me, it seemed almost that everyone was equally concerned that I was comfortable
They were not only concerned about these kids, but they were concerned about me as well. And, I was just blown away and I was impressed, and, and I didn't reflect much on it at the time, other than, it was incredibly positive experience for me and I know it was a very positive experience for these kids.
{SPEAKER name="Benjamin Bloom"}
What was your opinion of the music, how did you find the music?
{SPEAKER name="David Scheinbaum"}
When I talk about this to other people, I say, you know it might sound ironic but I didn't hear anything I just felt it. Its as if somebody is actually literally taking their fists and pounding it on my chest
I mean the-the bass, and-and I think many of us, you know I think anyone who drives, has experienced, you know, sitting at a red light and having a car come up somewhere either next to them or behind them or three cars back and your car starts vibrating with-with the bass of-of their music, um, it was kind of shocking, being at my first concert and, and experiencing the-the bass and rattling my brain and my body and, and I really recall really trying to hear words
but I couldn't make any words out, I just like, it was like boom boom boom, it was just like pounding on me, um, but I loved the rhythm I loved the beat and I-and I and, you know, you know, your head-your head starts nodding right away you know whether you can hear the lyrics or not