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Brevt Brigadier Gen Saml Thomas
I have the honor to request your attention and that of Maj General Howard to the following statements
1st As you were aware in the Autumn of 65 and winter of 65 and 66 I was instrumental in organizing an association of colored men at Vicksburg calling itself a Home Agency The members of this association paid into my hands about 10000 dollars as its agent for the purpose of buying Lands for the stockholders or members of the company Land was purchased to the full amount of funds But the inability to purchase of parties for colored men compelled me to have deeds executed in my own name Thus the deeds stand on Record I was to transfer the titles to these parties whenever it could be done safely and lawfully You are aware of the disibility of colored men under Mississippi Law to hold lands
2nd Many of the persons about 40 went on to the farm last winter and raised a crop last season and are still on the place
3rd I have been trying for some months to arrange this matter so as to transfer the title and leave it lawful and thus not entail loss upon the Stockholders This work is progressing but is not completed as many of the stockholders were scattered and the certificates can not be call in