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without some months of time, about 150 stockholders hold certificates and are scattered for a distance of 100 miles or more up and down the River in the vicinity of Vicksburg
4th the company has a board of colored men Jacob Richardson formerly of the 49 US Col'd Troops is president and Mr Henry Mason Secretary Joseph Smothurs of Davis Bend is one of the directors names of other members of the Board I am unable to give

5th In the meantime Ex Gov Clark of Miss and Rev CK Marshall of Vicksburg and others unknown to me have complained or caused complaint to be made to the Grand Jury of Warren Co Miss to indict me for fraud or for violation of Mississippi Law or something of this sort and I am threatened with Serious Trouble

6 I am ready and willing to proceed as fast as safety will permit to deed this Land enough to reimburse the stockholders at the stipulated price 11 dollars per acre for the farm 7 miles from Vicksburg and the [[strikethrough]] price of the [[/strikethrough]] City property at the cost price &c Can the Bureau at Washington cause the court at Vicksburg by influence or otherwise to stay proceedings until this matter can be adjusted: Can General Howard secure these colored men from loss for I believe that this proceeding is to prevent these men from getting the Land Can also an innocent man whose only crime in this matter