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has been over zeal to secure homes for these poor unfortunate people Be Saved from being maliciously prosecuted by vindictive Rebels For any inquiries with refrence to my standing I would respectfully refer you to Honorable JB Grinnell M.C. from this Iowa district with whom I have had an acquaintance for twelve years

My influence through the Bureau to relieve me from the oppression of Mississippi Law will be acknowledged with unfeigned gratitude

Your obdt Servt
GG Edwards
late Missionary among freedmen at Vicksburg
Now of Toledo Iowa

Toledo Iowa Jan 8 1867

Washington D.C.
Jan 12th 1866

I at one time had great Confidence in Mr Edwards. I now have doubts as to his honesty, or at least, fitness to carry out the plans he proposes.

I would recommend that the Asst Comr of Miss be ordered to take charge of this farm and demand of Mr Edwards that the whole scheme be turned over to him. He should be compelled to account to the Asst. Comr for the funds in his