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E 2. R.F. & A.L. Vol 9, 1867

Head Qrs Dist Miss.
Bureau R F & A L.

Vicksburg, Jan 23d 1867
Respectfully returned to Maj Gen O.O. Howard, Commissioner, Bu R F & A L.

This man Edwards it seems, some time a year since entered into certain arrangements with the freedmen, by which he was to furnish them with land in proportion to the amount of money received from them by him; he has failed to do this, and the freedmen are becoming very much annoyed by the delay they have been, and still are, subject to,

and have complained to the proper authorities for assistance to recover the amounts in Mr Edwards hands, or force him to fulfill his agreement with them. The course taken was proper & approved by Bvt Maj Genl Wood, lately Asst Comr for this State. As the course already taken promises the most speedy and just results, I would recommend that the course of the Civil law be uninterrupted, & Mr Edwards be forced to show cause why he has thus delayed the satisfaction due the freedmen.

Alvan C Gillem
Col 24th Infty Bvt Brig Genl USA Asst Commissioner. &c
EB 342 1867}