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New Orleans La
January 23d 1867
E 4 RF&AL Vol 9, 1867
Evans Harry
Desires that his child - Simon Peter - bound without his consent to Mr. Brown of Tampa Fla may be restored to him.
Return inv JAHn &c
May 15 Received back from P.O. uncalled for
[[stamp]] BUREAU RF&AL WASHINGTON REC'D Jan 30 1867 [[/stamp]]  1832
[[stamp]] BUREAU RF&AL WASHINGTON REC'D Mar 23 1867 [[/stamp]]

War Department
Bureau of Refugees &c
Washington Feby 5th
Respectfully referred to Col J.T. Sprague Asst Comr State of Florida for investigation and report
By order of
Maj Genl Howard
A.P. Ketchum
AAA Genl

Office Asst Comr, Bu RF and AL
Head. Qrs. Dist of Fla.
Tallahassee Feby 7th 1867
Respectfully referred to Brvt Major R. Combs, U.S.A. S.A.C. at Tampa for investigation and report. These papers to be returned.
By order of Col. J.T. Sprague
Asst. Commr &c
J.C. Woodruff
Brvt Major U.S.A. AAAG
E.B. p 223. +1083.D.T.

Office Sub Asst Comsr BRF&AL
Hd Qrs Fort Brooks Tampa Fla
March 10th 1867
Respectfully ret'd to Hd Qrs Dist of Fla with the following report:
The Records of this office show that the Indentures of the color'd boy Simon Peter were annulled by Order of Maj Gen Foster on the 5th of Nov. 1866 & that the boy was delivered by Mr Brown to the Comdg Officer of this post on the 7th of Nov 1866 There is no further record as to what disposition was made of the boy but on enquiring among the colored people I find that he was sent to New Orleans La to his father some time during the month of November 1866 on Board the Govt Str Gov'r Marion
Richd Combs
Capt Bvt Maj 7th Infty
Commanding Post
Ex Office Sub Asst Comir
Recd Fort Brooke Fla Mch 9 / 1867