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promised to give it to the Quartermaster at Tallahasse, in order to get authority from Head Quarters for Lieut. Roan at Tampa to send for the child & put it in Capt. McKay's charge to bring [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] me in this city - his boat running between Tampa & New Orleans. I have heard nothing since.

I write this to implore you to give orders for the delivery of my son to me, or will you direct me what steps I am to take?

I am very anxious to have my son with me, that he may go to school & also learn a trade.

Any letter for me may be sent to box 2242. I would like to have my son sent to the care of Lieut. Chase, Freedman's Bureau, Prytanea St, New Orleans.

You will do an anxious father a great favor by getting my son for me. I never consented to his being bound out, and I think I have the best right to him.

Yours with great respect
Harry Evans X