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Port Orange Fla
Feb 5th 1867

Maj Gen O O Howard

I have this day forwarded a request to Colonel Sprague asking for subsistence for 200 Adults & 100 Children Freed People and setters [[settlers]] under the Homestead [[Land? Law?]] these people are destitute of means and members of large families and cannot get imployment Here and must suffer unless assistance is rendered at once they had some means when they started in South Carolina but were detained on their way some 30 days and obliged to spend all their means to subsist upon Bread is what is wanted most and at once I most earnestly request in their behalf that surplus of meal or corn be forwarded at once in order to prevt [[prevent]] actual suffering and enable them to [[?]] a living on ther own lands Trusting you will aid in the sending suplies as early as Possible I am Genl Your Obt Servant
Ralph Ely
Agt. Emigration