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Headquarters B.R.F and A. L.
State of Texas, Galveston February 15, 1867.

I have the honor to state, that by Special Orders No. 12. of Headquarters B.R.F & A.L. State of Texas, dated Galveston January 28, 1867, I was relieved from duty as Surgeon in Chief and directed to report to Surgeon George Tayor U. S. Army for assignment to duty. Since that time I have been settling up the business of my late Department.  By the first of March my duties will be completed, and I respectfully request if my services are not required elsewhere, that I may be mustered out of the service of the United States. 

Permit me here to briefly to state, that I ntered on duty as Surgeon of the Washington Brigade at its formation- part of which was driven back at Baltimore on the 19th of April 1861.  The Brigade organization afterwards became the 26th Regt. Penn. a Vol's of which I was Surgeon, and present at every engagement in which General Hooker fought in the Army of the Potomac. I served in the front nearly three years without leave of absence - afterwards, I had charge of the U. S. Army Hospitals at South St. Philada. Beverly N.J. and York Penna.

I was assigned to duty in Texas at the organization of the Bureau here- on being released I had the satisfaction of not having a Hospital or an indigent sick freedman in the state at the expense of the General Goverment to turn over to my successor, an