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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Chief Medical Officer,
Washington, Mch. 7, 1867


I have to request that orders may be given for the following changes of stations of Medical Officers of the Bureau, viz:

I. Bvt. Lt. Col. M.K. Hogan, Surgeon U.S.A. a soon as he can be spared from the services on Court Martial duty, to be relieved in his duties as Surgeon in Chief of the Dist of N.C. by Asst. Surg. W.F. Smith US Army, and then to proceed to Charleston, S.C. to report for duty to the Asst. Commissioner of the Dist. of S.C. to relieve Bvt. Maj. & Asst. Surg. J.P.G. Hoppersett US Army in the duties of Surgeon in Chief of that Dist.

II. Bvt. Lieut. Col. W.R. DeWitt Jr., Surgeon US Vols. to be relieved in his duties as Surgeon in Chief of Dist of Md. and Del. and to proceed to Louisville, Ky. to report to the Asst. Commissioner of the Dist. of Ky. to relieve Bvt. Maj. & Asst. Surg. F.L. Town US Army in the duties of Surgeon in Chief of that District.