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The undersigned late Major and Surgeon U.S. Vols certifies on oath that he was witness to a contract made with the AA Agent B-R & A L. at Harpers Ferry on behalf of the Beureau and Surgeon George C Douglas Late of U.S. Vols in which he was to receive the nominal remuneration of Fifty Dollars per month for services rendered. And I further certify that it was then and there agreed that said connexion and contract should remain secret the reasons following to wit -

Many of the Blacks were in situation to pay for medical attendance If they did not know of this connexion with the Bureau But should the contract become known they would look upon the services rendered as their right and refuse to pay for the same when amply able so to do & By this made rendering small remuneration Equivalent to the amount of services performed to non paying patients. That is to say should the contract be made public it could not have been performed for less than One Hundred Dollars per month under circumstances as described above