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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abd Lands
Office Supt Cos Jefferson & Berkeley
Harpers Ferry W Va April 8th 1867


At your request I have faithfully examined the Records of this Office, and find us complaint regarding the manner in which you transacted your official duties while connected with the Bureau, in fact the only thing bearing on your matter is in a letter of Feby 8th 1866. from Brvt Maj G W Wells Asst Supt. to Capt W S Howe Dist Supt. which is as follows

"Dr Spangler has not called as he promised. I do not know of any one that I can get to take the position. Dr Douglass has called again, is willing to continue if the matter is kept quiet. I am opposed to this way of doing business. and think he should be paid enough to come out. I informed him that I would make this statement to you"

As regards the statement that you failed to perform faithfully your duty, there must be some mistake, as since my advent here I have heard the contrary from both whites & blacks, and I am confident you did perform your duties truly & faithfully, and that the remuneration which you were to receive would not at all be commensurate with the time and labor spent.

I am Most Respfl
Your obt Servt
A.T. Higgs
1st Lieut & Supt

Dr G C Douglass