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sort could work there, because of lack of Gov. land that could be had; & feared too the opposition of the inhabitants. I shall like it all the better if we can secure an eligible site there, for I have myself a passion for cotton farming, & prefer a cotton country to all others. Besides, the darkies would like it better, & would make a better yield of it than of anything else (save babies). So, ho! for, Florida, only the means! If we could secure the means of living the first year until we could erect our log cabins & grow a crop for the 2nd year! The way seem clear  All would then be well, & we might ship next Spring. Our Teacher is already engaged! What think you of that? I send you a paper - with a plan of Newbern - we are to live in No 18 - above the Printing Office in 3 or 4 rooms - we move soon as we can.

Snow & sleet since Saturday night - Love from all we'uns to all you'uns. 