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Department of Auto Mechanics
Charles R. Byrd
William P. Smith

Sunday the 24th

My darling - 
 'Tis a beautiful day and I've just come from church. Thinking of you constantly just makes me miss you more and more. Seems that you've been gone two years instead of two weeks. I make it thru the day o.k. But when nite falls and when the week ends come, then my baby's absence is felt most keenly. "Ted" Gould said in the store yesterday, "You don't really appreciate 'em 'til they go away." I replied, "You can say that again." Though we have been in this house only a year, we have welded such a unit that even for one link to be missing throws everything out of kilter. I long for the day when things will be restored to normalcy. True they will not be as before because there will be new adjustments to be made. Yet it will be grand to have you with me once more - along with what you're going to bring back. During the half-time intermission at last nite's game (we beat N.C. College 68-66), Harry, Eddie James, Jr., and I were conversing. Harry said that he never really knew what living is until Sheri Kay came along. Conversation with friends has gotten my anticipation and anxiety to a fever pitch. Mr. Turner asked if there was anything at the hospital yet. Not seeing you last week, he assumed that you had gone into the hospital. All day, everyday people are asking about you. Harry still insists that it will be triplets or quads. I told him that he has said it so much that if there is more than one, I'm going to blame him. By the way, when I told you of the crop of new boys I've heard about, I forgot the twin boys born to Hughes (Garnet bandmaster). So just prepare to break the spell with a girl!