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Monday Night

My Dearest Charlene:

Have just come from the gym. We lost another one tonite---this time to Beckley College, 75-72. Our "brown boys" just could not beat the seven white folk (team plus two officials). There were several bad "calls" and failure to call when due. Oh well, so what!

Golly how I miss you! This weekend was far different from the past two. Weekends seem to be my roughest time. To pass the time away, I spent all day Sat. in the shop (until time for the movie), and then the balance of yesterday after church also here working. I'm trying to get the Plymouth painted so that I can "rest" the Mercury and cut down the gasoline bill. Sprayed the primer coat this afternoon; expect to spray the color tommorrow [[tomorrow]].

Little news hereabouts. "Mimi" called Thurs. nite. She is quite upset over the report that Mar. & Harry have a secret divorce. He is to marry again soon. I guess she told you when she called. She said that she would call you after talking with me. I called Marg. last nite. We chatted but never mentioned Harry at all. She talked about the kids and about David's starting her house very soon. She is building near Rye, N.Y. (close to Connecticut). David has promised to have it finished by May.

I am headed for Bradford's office, possibly tommorrow [[tomorrow]] or Wed. This front tooth has been trying its best to ache. It even hurts if I tap it with my fingernail or the bottom tooth. Here goes another big bill (sixty or seventy-five dollars for a new tooth---think I'll just do without it, see! [[image - smiley face]]

Eunice called Mimi yesterday to see if she will come back here and look after "Mom". Mimi said that she may come after she gets Alan back in school (he has a virus at present). Barbara stayed out until 3:00 AM Sun. and made Eunice angry by not informing her so she could have stayed at the house. Instead, Scott had to take "Mom" to the toilet. Then, Sun. morn Barbara dashed out to take the Cardwell kids to church and did not fix Mom's breakfast (Jennie is in the hospital). Eunice was so angry she wanted to turn blue.

A good snowfall yesterday evening until about 9:00 PM and then it turned warm and the snow melted. About 7:00 it was really rough.

Did you see $64,000 Challenge last nite? They gave the little boy an additional $32,000 but let the girl keep her 32,000---admitted that she had been given too much time to answer last week.

Tough luck about your train ride. I feared your being delayed but thought it would be between here & D.C. Did you find the cause of the delay? So you get fired, so what! I'll be waiting for you. Did I tell you that Joe Saunders has gone to teach in D.C. at $5300.00 for nine months? Maybe I ought to investigate, huh? I've had more experience than he and my M.A. same as he. I'll see what happens when we switch to nine months.