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July 13, 1950

My dear Charlene,
Was I ever surprised to get a Baltimore post-marked letter from you. I certainly thought you were in Europe. I was going to be real good and have a letter for you in London, but I didn't have time to write, hence I hope this reached you at Heidelberg.
I certainly envy you being able to make this trip. I only wish I was going to be able to do it next year, but that is impossible you know, Jo Willard is on the NSA tour of Europe. I'll be anxious to hear all about your trip when you get back.
As soon as C.C. closed I had a week in which to relax (???) before I headed for a two week workshop at Union college in Schenectady, n.y. in the Character Research Project, which is a combination of psychology and religion in the religious education field. It's a fascinating field of work and what I want to do come next June. The two weeks there were BUSY! Our classes began at 8 A.M. and ended at 12. began again at 2 PM. to 4:30 P.M.; evenings from 6:30 to 9:15. Between lunch and afternoon classes there were usually group meetings and conferences. The evenings included audio-visual aid previews, chapel service and lecture. After that we were free until 8 A.M. - usually I didn't get to bed until 1 A.M. and 7 o'clock came very quickly. Many people from last year were there which made it very nice - especially John Stettner who graduated from Yale Divinity in June and is at Camp Chingachgook until Wednesday. I had met John a year ago and had liked him a lot. I hadn't seen him in a year and he was there, so we had a terrific week together. We're now writing to each other. I'd like to think and hope maybe something would come out of this, but I don't know. He's 28 and his church will be in