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that having given a matinee performance. Dave
didn't think it was he. However, when we got to Norwich and saw the play, I was right. He had to look like that for the
part he played. I don't think too many people were conscious of the fact that he was eating at Skipper's.
It hardly seems possible that in less than seven weeks C.C. begins. I had so many things I was going to do this summer, that I haven't done, it's pathetic - especially the reading part of it. I really will have to get
some of that done.

I am desperately hoping to get to Ohio this
September. Dad doesn't see how the family can go but since I will be at Schenectady for six weeks next June and July and will immediately go to a job after that and I don't know what I will be doing two years from now, it is almost imperative that I go, especially since my grandparents are
all in their late seventies and none are in
too good health. I also want to visit some
people in Brecksville, which is outside Cleveland for a few days
Your plans for this fall certainly sound wonderful and ambitious. I hope you will be able to live in International House. I imagine it would be a very nice place to live. I have never been to Chicago, but Dad has and he doesn't like the place. I guess the less he goes there the happier he is. Have you any idea in which field in English you will put your concentration?
Speaking of English, the Striders have a new son, William Bell, born this past week. He is named for her father. Also Mrs
Carpenter in Dad's office haw a new granddaughter, her youngest son Jack's wife had their first baby this week. I'm glad it was born before September cuz Jack is a