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August 16, 1950

My dear Charlene,

I guess you are wondering why you haven't heard from me yet. I'm just beginning to feel half way like myself again. I lost between 15 and 17 pounds - I am now down to 114 lbs which isn't good in away. I didn't mind losing the weight but I do mind the way I lost it. The doctor has told me to go away and get a good rest because a great deal of my trouble is caused by nerves. So I'm trying to persuade Caps to take a cruise with me to Havana Bermuda or some of those places. So far I haven’t been too successful. However I’ve got to find some place to go soon and get myself together. One problem I have- I’m on a very strick diet and I don’t know how I’m going to manage that should I go away.
Oh yes, while I was away last month in Philly, I had my hair cut very short but it’s beginning to grow quite long now.
Before I forget it, I must tell you this - Jamie and B.J. are going to have a baby in December I don’t know if we’re suppose to know it but I got it in a very round about way. It took some friends from St. Louis to find it out and they told another friend about it and in turn they told me.
I am sending your name in for an invite to a big formal dinner dance here at the Mohican Roof Garden for Sept. 15th. It’s