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to be a very big affair. The Eastern Stars are have their Grand Lodge here at that time and there are people coming from everywhere. Are you interested. I think you should pay us a visit before going out to school - don't you think so?

As for my love life I still don't seem to have any. Bill returned to the States the first part of the month but I haven't heard from him yet. I do know that they were to go to Calif. to make a movie when they returned so maybe that's why we haven't heard anything. He wrote just before he left Europe saying that we would get married.
I hope we can hurry up and get it cleared up because I don't know where I stand now.

Well so much for me - how about you - how is the trip? I'm anxiously awaiting to to hear about it. You asked me what did I want you to bring me - anything, you know what I like. When you get to Paris I may ask you to buy something for me and then I'll pay you for it when you return. Okay? 

Well Charlene, I guess I had better send out a few of these August policies so I'll bring this to a close. I'll write again soon and I promise it will be a longer letter. Have fun 

Lots of love 