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Thought you might enjoy this reprint (cut and pasted) from a recent news-letter. Hope you have a wonderful anniversary celebration. (Sorry I can't be there). Love always, Letitia

The Episcopal Church of the Incarr
Worshipping at the David Byrd Chap
3257 Lohr Road, Pittsfield Township
The Reverend Joseph Summers
P.O. Box 4111 Ann Arbor, MI 48106
[[image of cross in upper left corner]]

May 2

Thank You!
Remarks by Joe Summers as part of Building Celebration Awards(blocked by notes)April 6, 2002). 

On November 19th 1995, just a little more then a year after Jennifer Walter's ordination. Bishop Steward Wood dedicated this Chapel which Letitia Byrd has recently donated to the Diocese. The previous week, we had a new members Sunday during which among others, Susan King, Jeff and Kelly Clark, and John Norton declared their membership in this church. That year Amy and Ian Stroud, Beth and Emma Vermett, Linda Kalikin, Michael Beasly, and Kate and Dylan Summers also became

A plece where the Eucharist really IS celebrated. 

My greatest hope is to see the Church of the Incarnation continue to live its birthright to be a different kind of Christian Community in the world, if we are a "first world church" then let us be one with other-world sensibilities, with global connections and commitments

We were so grateful that Letitia Byrd was able to join us for our building dedication service and for her ongoing walk with our community. Letitia-though your primary membership is with First Methodist Church we will always claim you as our own!!!

Jim Lewis was one of the featured speakers at a conference on the chicken industry which Mary Summers ( Joe's sister) organized in New Heaven Connecticut ( See also the recent note from Charles Byrd (David's brother) about his recent encounter with Jim.)

Letter from Charles Byrd (David's brother)to Letitia Byrd Easter Sunday, 2002 Last Sunday Charlene and I decided to visit St James Episcopal Church to hear our old friend Rev. Jim Lewis who was visiting there. At one point in the service, there is a "visitation" when people greet those sitting near them, Lewis walked up the aisle and greeted people near the ends of the rows. As he passed us he shook our hands and over his face came an expression of "I wonder if I haven't known these people sometime or some place" Following this one of the church ladies walked to the front to welcome visitors. Lewis was standing in the middle aisle near the second or third row. The woman making the intro was a retired school administrator and friend of ours for years, so she began by saying how delighted St. James was to have the two Doctors Byrd visiting - adding "Charles and Charlene" Jim Lewis "choked" and said to  her "soto voce" audible even tp us near the back "Did you say Byrd?" She said yes and Lewis said" "Charlene? Is that Charlene?" by this time he was excited as a child on Christmas morning. He almost yelled "Charlene, Oh my!" and proceeded to apologize at his oversight. He worked with Charlene during our famous textbook battle. He was so startled he became downlight amusing. Next he said "Charles, you had the most fantastic brother!" He then spent almost a half hour telling about David and his building that church. After church we had a great reunion. I told him I had come to hear him preach but did not expect his sermon to be about a David other than the one in the bible. He asked that convey his love and wishes to you.