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but I was ill all this week,- first with an ulcerated tooth, and then from the effects of having it drawn, - suffered for several nights and days the most excruciating pain; -had a beautifully swollen face; and I was in such misery, the whole week, that, I could think of noth-ing else - not even of my missing all duties, to which W. G. had to attend. I wish you could have heard Mrs. Amanda Smith,last night. The address was interesting, though taken rambling; but she is a very whole-[[?]], original 
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person. If per chance, you might say in your Report that she addressed our Society last night, in an interesting manner, on our duty in foreign miss-ion work, and especially in her work in Africa, and I gave some graphic sketches of her experi-ences there. You know she has been all over the world, and has wrought a great many wonderful conversions. Her work is especially that of an evangelist. And until she went to India and Africa her work has been almost en-tirely among the whites, among whom she has been remarkably successful. She is extremely