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I still have two big projects on for the rest of the day. The kids and I went downtown to eat and to see "Song of Love," story of Brahms, Schumann, and Liszt. It was very wonderful.

All my food comes in very handy. I still have loads to last me through exam period.

Thank you for sending me the Shakespeare commentary. I will certainly need it. Ah yes! About The Saint - don't run around trying to find it. About the end of next week just


call the Popular Library and ask them whether it has come in. If so, they would hold it for you.

If I get my German paper written today as I plan, I'll have time during the week to finish reading my Psych book and write that paper before I leave for N.Y. Then all my projects will be over until after exams!

What's new at home? If Joe calls again, tell him to answer the letter I'm going to write him. He's a good guy. (smile)

I got a very nice letter