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| May 23rd 1866 #284 | Am. Missionary Association Rev. Geo. Whipple. Sec. See C179. Vol 6, 1866. | New York. May 22nd 1866. Offers suggestions with reference to the advancement of the cause of education in the South. | May 24th 1866. Respectfully referred to Genl. C. H. Howard. for remarks as to the buildings mentioned as located in this city. (sd) A.P.K. May 26th 1866. Recd back. The Asst. Comr. desires that two or more of these buildings should be turned over to this Bureau and makes formal application for the same. |

| May 24th 1866 #285 | Attorney General's Office. Jas. Speed. Atty. Genl. See A80 Vol 2. & N 179. Vol 2 & B47. Vol 2. & C319. Vol 8. | Washington D.C. May 23rd 1866. Is there no prospect of making some adjustment with Mr Richard S. Cox. in regard to his property in Georgetown, which is now in the hands of the Freedmen's Bureau. | May 25th 1866. Respectfully referred to Asst. Comr. D.C. (sd) A.P.K. May 30th 1866. Recd back. This property is only nominally in possession of this Bureau. being really in the hands of the "National Assoc. for the relief of Destitute Cold Women & children" As several thousand dollars have been expended in fitting up the Cold Orphans Home, it is recommended that the building and at least 5 acres of land be reserved to said Assn whenever it may be determined to restore the remainder of the property. The land is under lease of a third party whose right should be respected. May 30th 1866. Respectfully returned & the recommendation of the Asst Com'r. approved. A settlement upon conditions named would be satisfactory to the Assn conducting the Asylum (sd) O.O.H. |

| May 17th 1866. #286 * | Adjt Genl. Office. E.D. Townsend A.A.G. | Washington D.C. May 16th 1866. Refers copy of letter of Lt. Genl. Grant. recommending that Genl. Rugur be assigned as Asst. Com'r. N.C. with copy of S.O. 232 A.G.O. | May 24" 1866. Filed. |

| May 24th 1866. #287. | Adjt. Genl. Office. T.W. Vincent A.A.G. | Washington D.C. May 23rd 1866. Refers comn of Thomas C. Harvey, letter to Mr Davis requesting copy of order relieving him from duty at Cairo, Ill. Sept 1st 1865. to be transmitted to Maj J.E. Cornelious V.R.C. Rockville S.C. | May 25th 1866 Respectfully transmitted to Major J.E. Cornelious V.R.C. Rockville S.C. (thro Asst. Comr. of S.C.) who will comply with endorsement from A.G.O. (sd) A.P.K. June 18th 1866 Recd back with report of Maj. Cornelious. Not having the records of Post of Cairo is unable to furnish copy of order relieving Surg Harvey from duty at that Post. Encloses a certificate that he was on duty up to Sept 1st 1865. June 19th 1866, Respectfully returned to the Adjt. General Office with attention invited to the enclosed report of Mj Cornelious hereon. (sd) O.O.H. |

| May 22nd 1866 #288 * | Adjt Genl. Office A. T. Rockwell AA.G. | Washington D.C. May 22nd 1866. Informs that the 51th Colored Troops has been ordered to be mustered out of service, and will be paid off in Mississippi where it was organized. | May 25th 1866 Filed. Official copy to Mr Alvord. |

| May 25th 1866 #289 * | Armstrong S.C. Bvt. Brig. Genl. and Supt. | Fort Monroe, Va May 23rd 1866 Relative to the course pursued by Genl's Steedman & Fullerton while making their investigation in his Dist. | Filed with A 324. Vol 6. 1866. |

| #289½ | Alberger Wm C. Capt V.R.C. See H 136 Vol 6 1866. |   |   |