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[[4 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | How Disposed of. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| June 9t 1866 # 293. * | South Carolina R K Scott Asst Comr | Charleston SC June 4 66, Forwards for information of the Commissioner comn of H A Shoney Capt 15' Maine representing that great scarcity exists in Pickens Dist Transmits document signed by citizens of the Dist to the same effect | Filed | 

| June 9t 1866 # 294. * | Seeley F A Capt & A.Q.M | New Berne NC June 16th 1866 Transmits report of Lt Dodge relative to charges against Lt Tennant by A B Corliss Principal Freedmens Schools | Filed. | 

| June 11th 1866 295. * | South Carolina R K Scott, Asst Comr | Charleston SC Jan'y 6' 1866. Forwards com'n of Bvt Brig Genl G W Gile, stating the condition of affairs in the District of Darlington SC. | Filed | 

| June 11th 1866 # 296. * | South Carolina R K Scott Asst Comr | Charleston SC June 8 1866 Forwards statement of Maj S D Shipley Comdg Post of Chastn SC in regard to the great suffering in the different Districts under his command. | Filed. | 

| June 11th 1866 #297. * | Strong W E Inspector General See "A" 324 Vol 6 1866. | Raleigh NC June 9' 66  Reports that he has placed under arrest the within named officers and Agents of the Bureau. | Filed with "A" 324. Vol 6. | 

| June 12th 1866 #298. | Savage T W. | Charlotteville Va June 9' 66. Desires an appointment as Commissioner under the "Civil Rights Bill" | June 12th Respectfully returned the appointment of Commissioners under the "Civil Rights Bill" does not rest with the Comr of this Bureau APK A.A.A.G | 

Transcription Notes:
3/6 - all done - please review