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| July 21 1866 #175. * | Taylor, Lee. (colored) | Washington July 2 States that his Sisters children Henry and Fairfax Jackson are residing with Drayton Meaded of Richmond Va and request that they be sent to Washington | July 23 Respectfully referred to Asst Comr of Va for report APK A.A.A.G Aug 18th Rec'd back inviting attention to endorsement of Lt Benj C Cook stating none of these children can be found. Aug 20 Respectfully returned to Mr Taylor and attention invited to endorsement of Lt Cook hereon ST A.A.A.G Recd back the PO "uncalled for" Filed. |

| July 24 1866 #176 * | Taylor JE | Bay City Mich July 18 1866 Desires an appointment as Asst Commissioner. Recommended by Col Pommell & others. | Filed |

| July 24 1866 #178. * | Trist N B. | Philadelphia July 22d 66 States that he has obtained the help desired and does not require assistance from the Bureau; but would be thankful for information corresponding to the wants presented in his notice. | Filed. |

| July 25' 1866 #179 | Texas J B Kiddoo AC | Galveston Tex July 12 66 Transmits Estimates of Funds for month of July 1866 by Capt Byron Porter $148.00 Capt H U Randlett $10.00 Bvt Capt Chas F Rand $30.00 | July 26 Respectfully returned approved. O.O.H |

| July 26 1866 #180. | Tarres W. See "T" 170 Vol 7 | Providence RI July 24 Calls attention to his letter of 9' inst and request an early decision as he wishes to return soon to Texas. |   |

| July 28th 1866 #181. | Texas J B Kiddoo AC | Galveston Texas July 19' 66 Forwards approved "Estimate for Funds" Maj S L Barnes $21.00 and Lt J A Saylor $22.19. | July 30' Respectfully returned approved. APK A.A.A.G |