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the six largest towns in the State.  One is nearly completed, two are fairly under way, and all will be ready to open within a few months.  Plantation schools could be established in great numbers did we have teachers.  Opposition to these schools has melted away and disappeared before the zealous advocates and now it is hardly met with at all.  Applications for teachers come from every part of the State, including nearly every county, but there is not a supply for the demand.  One county, however, - St. Francis, - is an exception for the Agent reports.  "There are no schools for freedmen in the county and I am satisfied that the white citizens would oppose any movement in that direction."  The people seem to stubbornly shut their eyes to what is going on around them and will wake up by and by to realize that they themselves are the chief sufferers by their folly.  For fuller particulars of schools I respectfully refer to the reports