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1st Point. 100 school.  A careful count of the teachers at that time, by men who know, who traveled the state and were interested in and familiar with the school work, make 28.  They challenge investigation at 30.
2d. was sought in obtaining teachers from La, the prejudice against them was not disarmed.  They suffered all that Mass. teacher would.
3d There was but one mechanic in the whole but he was like to starve so went to his trade.  They did leave for other reasons and four females remain in the State for other purposes.
4th Could as much be said by way of apology for the school supt. as is said for the Asst. Comr. it would be well for him.  But he was never honorably crippled by wound received in battle.  This did not prevent that animating, electrifying, speech and contact of which the writer speaks.  the whole school matter was in his hand and there is no excuse for the gross and shameful neglect of the teacher under his direction and care.
5th Over schools were organized in Jan. in Galveston and Houston only, and on the 18th of the same month Gen. Kiddoo was relieved.  The intimation that it was promptly and almost summarily done to arrest the movement before it became unsupportable Govt. has about as much truth as the balance of the article.
6th I know of but one colored teacher in the whole state that has been in school during the past year.
7th Although every encouragement is given to the young new and women of our beautiful state, I know of but one who is teaching.
8th Is in keeping with the rest.