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American Missionary Association:
Rooms, 58 John Street, New-York

REV. J. R. SHIPHERD, Chicago,}

REV. R. N. KIRK, D.D., Boston, Mass.

E. KETCHUM, ESQ., Treasurer, N.Y.
W. E. WHITING, ESQ., Asst. Treas., N.Y.
REV. E. P. SMITH, Gen. Field Agent, N.Y.

Major General C.O. Howard
General Commissioner,
Bureau Refugees, Freedman, &c.
Washington D.C.

Dear General,
We have sent to you by Express this P.M. 5000 Temperance Pledges; of these 2500 are for general use in the community, and 2500 are for use in families exclusively.
We have sent about 16,000 in all, or 8000 of each kind to our superintendents Teachers &c and to the places given on the printed List which we enclose with, in such quantities as for the first edition will answer, but we will send more to those places as they may be called for.
As you have kindly offered to give circulation through your superintendents to these pledges, and other publicity or certificate which we are preparing, it will make sure of the more general distribution of them and in places and in districts, and on plantations to which we have no  access.
Your timely and excellent order on the temper and quatrain, especially in relation to Freedman's.

Transcription Notes:
Had to do all the top names over again. Transcriber didn't use CAPITAL LETTERS.