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5Relationships 1.


(*** Men)
(some of this entry below is duplicated under) Jealousy:)

Fem:  Its funny how you do sort of - sometimes you just assume that those people that are that close you assume they know.

B:  It's a natural thing to be jealous. But also I think it's very important to let it drop and forget about it and not hang on to it. It's very hard on a man or woman that's been unfaithful. It's alright if you have an understanding together but if you don't....

BOB: So your were talking earlier about Krishnamurti telling you about jealousy with this incident with the pottery, how about jealousy in you personal life, did that ever come up?

B  Oh, just one other thing, there's a jealous pot that I made I sometime after met the student that made it and I went right up to her and said, "Oh I've been so jealous of you and I'll tell you why" and she laughed and she became a very good friend, Martha Longneck ^[[longnecker]], who started the [[strikethrough]] Man Ray [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Meringor]] museum. It started a great friendship between us.
In love did you say?

BOB: Yes, did you have problems there?