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mind being raped. but I didn't want a relationship with another man when I was in love. That was the great thing that I was trying to protect. 
     And no I was not very sympathetic, but what can you do. The world is full of relationships falling apart and I know now that the heart gets broken so I would accept it. And infidelity very much with great and nobleness when I was young... I don't know what to say. And Mr. Number one here is very silent - shows how wise he is. 
     After I broke with Roche' I was having a very nice affair with an editor of Women's Wear. Very dynamic, interesting man. We'd meet about once a week and we'd go out in the country and have picnics. He was the first person to awaken America to the beauty of Peruvian embroideries. 
     You see then we didn't have television, we didn't have airplanes, we didn't have the wonderful art books; so it was a new thing to bring into American art scene. It was very interesting. And we had a wonderful relationship - no question of marriage. We were two friends having a wonderful time together. Very complete on all levels. 
     So we were to meet Saturday, the following Saturday, and he wasn't there. So I went to his office and I said what has happened? I waited for you. He sat down. He didn't ask me to sit. I stood. He kept me standing, which was strange, and he said, "I not going to see you anymore. I'm engaged to my secretary."