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5Relationships 8. 

The only religion I really have, is my effort to be honest and compassionate. To be honest because the mind is so tricky. The mind is very dual; very tricky and that interests me to try and free myself from the duality and just be straight.

You see I don't believe that God is sitting out there with a cigar in his mouth, watching over you and [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] me and telling us what to do. I don't believe that for a moment. (1:3-10)

B: In my first love affair, when I was twenty-two or twenty-three, it never occurred to me that if you are in love you could be unfaithful. Vaguely I'd heard about unfaithfulness and I took it for granted that if you don't love a person that's different. But if you're in love, it never occurred to me that you could easily be unfaithful. This happens every day and every minute of life. [[strikethrough]] I mean [[/strikethrough]] It's a fact of life [[strikethrough]] that people are [[/strikethrough]].

I've never really quite recovered within from that. I also say, I haven't really been tempted. Because I think even a very happily adjusted couple - married or unmarried - I'd say well adjusted, loving each other... if a luminous new charismatic person happens to come on the scene, they become a dead duck, if they allow the current to turn on.

More or less, I'm very monogamous in feeling, and I try not to turn on the current. Where a couple is concerned, I love my women friends. I've had wonderful women friends and