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5Relationships 11.

B: No, but one has to work at it because at times there are very attractive people that we meet. Now I know when I was in love with Reginald Pole, and I mean I was in love with him... [[strikethrough]] and we met him...[[/strikethrough]] we met William Van Hookstraten, the Hookstrat director of the Philharmonic. He was born in March, the same month that I was. He had beautiful eyes.

Goodness, the moment he and I met, we merged. He felt it, I felt it. He was married, I was in love with Reginald. [[strikethrough]] Nothing happened [[/strikethrough]] I was careful. I don't know [[strikethrough]] why? Possibly because [[/strikethrough]] what would have been a creed we [[strikethrough]] didn't [[/strikethrough]] if we had seen each other often, [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] I was very aware of the power and I think it was a great lesson to me.

[[strikethrough]] You see, we don't know and [[/strikethrough]] Then I wasn't thinking of the current, I was just behaving. But would I have continued to behave? If I'd see him often, I don't know, because don't forget women often leave their children and the husband and whom they love to go off with someone. It's a tremendous force when this happens.

D: Do you think it might be easier for women to turn off this current that for men?

B: I don't know, I don't think it is easy. Now, I know this, that when I am in love I will do anything to help. My life is centered on the man. I would give up my career, I would do anything.