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5Relationships 12.

D: You would give up your art too?

B: Oh, without any question...without any question. The only thing I'd try to do is, if he were married, that I would not let it happen. That's all I'm saying. Now, not all women feel that.

BOB: I've heard you give a slightly different answer to that question, coming form a different angle. You talk about man and his organ or something like that, something that suggests that it's harder for men to turn off the current than women.
B: Certainly is... man's little instrument... I made him blush. (laughter) I never thought I'd see that.
It's very, very difficult. I think men get very easily involved. Now, I think we should face it. In years past it's been prostitution. It's been very highly thought of. The French are very reasonable.
As far as I know, when I was a young girl in Paris they took the mistress for granted. I mean we just don't know and, we are all a bunch hypocrites.

BOB: [[strikethrough]] You think... [[/strikethrough]] does it help to have some kind of moral structure to get you through those times when that comes up?

B:  I don't know, you know on my gravestone I'm going to have