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5Relationships 13.

"I don't konw." I don't know, I can just say that myself, I hope I never hurt another woman and interfere, that's all I can say. And of course in my 100th year it sounds ridiculous. So far, I've been able to go through life maintaining it. I'll look into the undertaker's eyes before I squeeze his hand. (laughter) (RMB:27-31)


B:  Another thing, I'd not pursue a man if there is no response. I was terribly in love with a man and realized he was not in love with me the way I was in love with him. It was a torture to me. I suffered over it, I faced it and I said, "I must free him from my heart." I was able to do that and go on in loving friendship.
But you see, if we are emotionally involved with a person and they are not with us, if we don't let them go we can become a nuisance. I don't know. I keep repeating, "I don't know."

BOB: So you don't suffer from the disease where certain people are addicted to the love of the chase and once that is over they are not interested in the affair. You're interested in the love affair? (RMB:31)

B: Oh, I'm interested in the love affair. I don't want a