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5Relationships 15.

are not in Europe. I think that is the difference. You agree I see.

5Relationships 14.

weekend stand. There is no meaning to me whatsoever.
I think such sexual relationships are natural. I think they are wonderful. I don't care if one is standing on one's head while they have them or what. I think they are wonderful. But I don't want it unless I am in love with a man.
Now, this may be because I am a woman and I think this may be a natural way for women to look at love, while men are much more apt to use it as a comfort station. That's exactly what I wanted to say. No, I'm not interested in the chase that way. (RMB:38)

(***Men - Relationships)

T: You are lucky. Do you think that European men were different than American men?

B: Oh, yes.

T: Maybe that is the difference.

B: Oh yes. Five weeks ago a wonderful man from England came to interview me. Stephanie was here. Both of us were knocked out. Stephanie and I have been talking about him ever since. We both agree, about his charm though I saw, I think more than she did his