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5Relationships 16.

Red cross had financed a Kiln. I had to have a place to put it if I wanted to get on my feet, and Steve as a nice, honest person, and I certainly was very fond of him, I liked him very much as a friend. But, I said to him, "I will never accept the idea I'm married, I will tell nobody."
So nobody had any idea. They thought I was living in sin.
[[strikethrough]] And [[/strikethrough]] then we went to get it annulled, and we didn't have the money, it would have cost 500 dollars.
[[strikethrough]] Now [[/strikethrough]] When I moved to Ojai we separated, he moved for three months in town and I moved on McAndrews road. He as old. And he said to me one day, "Oh my little room has no sun; won't you let me move up to the guest room, it's sunny and has a view. My heart sank [[strikethrough]] And [[/strikethrough]], I was so glad to be free of him because he  was very pessimistic. I just said to myself, "I can't enjoy this beautiful place and let that poor old man be lonely without a nice place to live."

FEM: Was he older than you?

B:  About 15 years older, I think. So you know we should never judge people because we don't know what they do under certain circumstances.

FEM: How old were you then? When you married him? How old?

B: Forty-two.