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5Relationships 17.

BOB: Forty-five.
Do have any problems staying out of judging other people?

B:  I'm full of judging other people, maybe not as full as you... It's human nature, but I try not to.
With Steve, I did something, really against my conscience. I didn't think it was right, I was doing it, let's say for money, to get a home, which was a purpose, and I figured you should marry for love, so I really did something that inwardly, was not quite honest.
What can you expect when people go on in poverty, with nothing - living in dirt? At least I wasn't living in dirt. You can't tell what you'll do when you're desperate. I wouldn't hesitate to go into prostitution, if I were penniless. When I say that, I would prefer not to, but, what can a woman do if she has no money. What if she's in a strange country like some of the Russian Aristocracy, when they came to Paris? You don't know you're going to do under certain circumstances.

BOB: Are you saying that tongue in cheek? About the prostitution? Because, looking in your diary, you sound like you were pretty close to broke during the depression.

B: Be careful what you say.