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5Relationships 18.

BOB: No, in your diary you say you are close to broke. You keep talking about just barely getting by, so it sounds like you are just kidding us.

B:  Well I wasn't interested then at all. And I'm not really interested now, except I'd rather be a prostitute than a sales girl, standing on my feet all day. I would.
I lost my train of thought... What is it you said? Something nasty?

BOB: That you were actually close to poverty level.

B:  No, I was never tempted for prostitia [?]. In fact, I was so innocent, I hardly realized that prostitution existed the way it existed.
What is the difference between being a prostitute and staying with a husband you don't love? Society is absolutely upside-down.

FEM: Were you just married twice?

B:  Yes. But the first marriage of course, was to get away from my mother. That was a compassionate decision because this man had befriended me and my mother said [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] he was dishonest and of course I couldn't accept it.
He made the same remark, he said, "Come, it will free you from your mother and we'll have it annulled."