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5Relationships 19.

Well we think it's easy to get divorced and having things annulled and it isn't. I just had the idea as a young person, you can get married and you just go to a place and sign and you get your divorced. It's much more complicated than that.

And I had a sick headache the day I married the first time. And on the train to my dear friend Elizbeth Hapgood, where the ceremony was to take place, I was wearing a dark blue dress and I refused to change for the ceremony. Afterwards I went for a ride in a horse drawn buggy and threw the wedding ring into the field. He was more than willing. And of course it turned out he as a bigamist, he had a wife in Holland. So he just went through the ceremony to help me.

BOB: Who bought the ring that you threw in the field?

B:  I'm not sure that Elizabeth Hapgood didn't. I don't remember.

When you are young, you are very unknowing, if your brought up in certain ways. You are very innocent of how to get along with people. I am [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] completely changed now from when I was twenty-two.

BOB: Well how much effort should a woman put into a failing marriage to try to make it work before leaving, since you are