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5Relationships 20.

likening it to prostitution?

B:  How much effort does a woman put into a failing marriage? Well I don't know. That would depend upon the individual. Again, if the woman had no education, no skills, no money, she has no choice almost, but to stick to a husband that she doesn't love. If she has children, that's another reason. And of course, years ago, it wasn't as easy for women to get on their feet and get jobs as it is nowadays.

FEM: How old were you when you first got married?

B:  Twenty-five, I think. I [[strikethrough]] would say [[/strikethrough]] I was very unwise the first years of my life.

FEM: Until when?

B:  Just a few minutes ago.
Something I read, I firmly believe that it's vital to make mistakes and bear the hardships. It's the only way we learn. And if we have an easy life, we don't learn anything.

FEM: So you can't learn by watching others make mistakes?

B:  No.