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5Relationships 21.

I'm never again going to have a young beautiful woman help me with my work, because all the young men who come, I lose them. The other day, a very nice man was here for dinner, and the first thing he said, "Where is that charming assistant of yours?" (RMD:2-7)

(***Men, relationships)

D: Yes but I also think it is often based on true instincts.

B: Yes but it's not a worthwhile instinct to be jealous of somebody you love.

D: No, but then I just think that there are many times that, with myself, with my own feelings,  people will say, "You are only saying that because you are jealous." and so I feel as if my feelings aren't valid. But then I find out I was right. 
So Sometimes I think that instincts are valid but people try to put them off as something else.

B: I told you didn't I, about when Reginald married?

BOB: Yes.

B: That had something to do with this [[strikethrough]] I left and[[/strikethrough]] In a week I was meeting with someone very close to Annie Besant, who wanted to get me involved in certain work, but I had to be