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5Relationships 23.

love!" but I said, "It's impossible." and closed the door. 

This was some time ago, now, quite a long time ago. It grieved me emotionally. I've done this twice, it's very difficult to do.

[[strikethrough]] Dierdre [[/strikethrough]] Duse, the great actress, we were told, never did that. She was in love and mourned the rest of her life. Well, I didn't want to mourn the rest of my life and be a nuisance to people. I jumped into the heart of sorrow and came out a different and free person.

For three months I didn't see Reginald, and then (we have the same friends in common) we met. His little wife was sweet. She was in no way to blame. I never said a word to her. I've no idea what he told her about [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our relationship. 

I think Reginald was very surprised because I was a new person with him. I was an acquaintance, I wasn't a lover in anyway.

D: What do you feel about how he did that to you? Didn't you have a sense of betrayal too?

B: Of course it's betrayal, but we all betray. I don't think we understand enough of life. And also, from the highest plane, if you love a person you should leave them free, but how hard it is. I think especially for men. You know men are much more easy, I think sexually to be aroused, than women and it must be very difficult if it's a fact. And