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5Relationships 24.

I think it is a fact. And here, with a sweet little girl, a charming little figure, very responsive too, and it happened. But I think I told you, I had great vengeance in that I told you, in the end, didn't I? When he died.

He was in a nursing home. I went to see him. I remember the last day, he held my hand and said, 'I've always loved you and was jealous of Steve."

I never told him that my relationship with Steve was platonic. Never did and that's satisfaction.

And he said, "Sex is a funny thing, isn't it?" And I think that could be the title of everything. Because the sexual force is a terrible, mean, unforgiving force. Unforgiving!

BOB: So you say you jumped into the heart of sorrow, but [[strikethrough]] Deedee's mentioning the betrayal [[/strikethrough]]. That's slightly aside from sorrow. How did you get that out of you life?

B: The betrayal?

BOB: Yes, how do you deal with that?

B: That's his problem. That isn't my problem. If we can we mustn't judge other people because women leave their [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] children, 2nd their happily married husbands for some beautiful creature that's very charismatic that comes in.