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5Relationships 25.

D: But you told him not to write you a letter until the meeting on Tuesday was over, but he did anyway.

B: Yes.

D: Why did he? It was not a very nice thing for him to do to you.

B: Because he was weak. But that's his choice. That's his karma.


B: When you are in love, it's a very unsettling, unrealistic state. You don't know what you're doing.  Also the minds is very cunning, very manipulative and will always make excuses to yourself that you're doing the right thing. But, what is a person going to do? Poor Reginald, he was weak. And he was self-indulgent. Otherwise, if he hadn't been, he would have accomplished a great deal. He was very intelligent. [[strikethrough]] but he did [[/strikethrough]]

He had five sisters, and we think (we've talked about this) that they over-spoiled him as a child. He had everything given to him, really, on a silver platter, but never really accomplished, what he should have accomplished.

But what are you going to do? You're in love with a man