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5Relationships 27.

Reginald, I didn't see him. He was in California, I was in New York for three months. (RMD:16-22)

(***Men Love)

G: Would you have done the same thing as Georgia O'Keef had you had a lover or a husband to whom you were close?

B: No. Now that I'm a career woman and a hard boiled horrible woman, I don't know what I would do, but when I was younger, I had an affair with a young man. We weren't living together, but it was one of those nice young emotional things. I was very occupied in thought with him. Some group was going to put on a play that I wrote and I was looking forward to it, but I would have had to leave the young man, and I got out of the production in order to stay with the young  man. I've regretted it ever since.

G: This indicates something about the necessities of art and the requirements of love.

B: Well, you see, I am much more interested in being hugged than in holding a paint brush. Georgia O'Keefe is not as caught up in emotional stupidity as I am.

G: The interesting thing is that very late in life, and she lived a long time, she had a very beautiful young man,