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5Relationshiops 28.

Hamilton, who was her assistant and colleague. Would you, if you had the opportunity, have a good looking young man live here?

B: I'd love it. I have Singh who lives here, who is much younger than I, and he was much younger looking when he began.

G: But he's a chauvinist.

B: You mean a young man who is interested in me. Well, the real number one in my life is Francis Naumann. It's a telephone romance. We are very good friends and we know a great deal about each other. There is no eroticism unfortunately.
I miss very much not having artistic companionship. It would be so wonderful to have a man who would say "Let's do this." "No, your color is wrong, change it. Yes, now that's good. I love it."
I had that with Roche and Marcel. Not only a wonderful companionship, but also it's very flattering. You have to face it, to have people like what you do is very encouraging. It meant a great deal to me. (RMD:11.12)


G:: Do you think women are as bad as men in relationships?