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5Relationships 29.

B: Yes, Certainly. I just think that it's on account of the little instrument, that it's harder for man to be celibate.

G: It's harder for him? But women are more emotional?

B: Women need affection more than men. Scientific, so they say.

G: We've been talking about Indian men being chauvinists, and Indian society and how they interact as men and women. Given that, how could they so readily accept Mrs. Ghandi as Prime MInister?  

B: I don't know, but when I was there I noticed many women, of them were ministers of agriculture and so on and there were any brilliant women. I felt that the backbone of India was the women, not the men. But the men had the beautiful brown eyes.

G: In normal relationships in India, in marriage...
B: The woman as I understand it is the ruler in the house. Particularly the mother, and she is revered. With Singh, his wife would never come to the table. She was illiterate, had two children. I met her three or four times. she spoke no english. She was very clean. She wasn't sophisticated but I liked her. He had a very unhappy marriage. He was fifteen,