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5Relationships 31.

G: What about Paul?

B: No, I laughed, and I've laughed since and that's not forgiveness. And all this Bordello thing in my art is part of that. I've seen that. And, I think that Reginald behaved in a very bad way. Roche was true to type and maybe for a very experienced frenchman who has had many love affairs in his life it's very hard to set in front of a fireplace and have the fire play on a white neck and not feel like that's the end of the world for a moment. I don't know.

G: Picasso is reputed to have been terrible to his women. He is said to have abused them. And yet they stayed with him, they put up with it. Do you think it was because of his talent or because of his sexual charisma?

B: I don't know.

G: Take someone like Onassis, the shipping magnate. This short ugly little man, who had some charm, and you take a great talent, Maria Callas who is captivated by this man and he betrays her and she can't get over it, and it kills her. She stops singing.

B: But we don't know the inner thing. But from the outer standpoint there were lovers who were probably very happy