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5Relationships 34.

B; No, not at all. And yet when I look at old photographs I saw that I was very nice looking but I wasn't conscious of it at all.

G: Were you conscious of your charm?

B: No, certainly not. That's a funny question. (RMI:19,20)


B: I think it would be impossible for a man not to be unfaithful, or rather to be faithful in wartime. I think it would be impossible. To be separated from his living wife, to be under the terrible tension that he's going to be killed at any moment, to be lonely... the whole bag of worms.
I think war has nothing but evil in it. Unless you can say that many inventions have come into the world. It's so difficult to make statements that are absolute. (RMJ:14,15)


G: Was there a particular type of man you were attracted to?

B: No. I don't think it's been the looks. Roche' and Marcel did not look at all alike. And Marcel had a very beautiful face - great purity of eyes. I saw an article just recently which referred to him as cunning. I don't think he had cunning at all. But he had great perception. But you